Wednesday, November 10, 2021

School Board Classroom Visits

Last April, school board members visited classrooms throughout the district to view in-person learning, balanced with virtual learning with students at home. Out of that experience, board members expressed an interest in visiting classrooms in a less "staged" environment and with greater flexibility to interact with students and staff.
On Wednesday, November 10th, school board members Trevor Johann, Bill Monroe, Mike Treder, and Marian Viney were able to visit classrooms at the elementary, middle, and high schools. They were able to:
  1. Tour the buildings.
  2. Sit in on Math classes with new Bridges and Illustrative curricula.
  3. Visit Music classes with the transition and addition of staff.
  4. Experience departmentalization of content areas in the upper elementary grades.
  5. Tour the S.T.E.A.M. Lab and see Mr. Neumann's most recent Technology Education and Project Lead the Way activities.
School board members were able to experience what a typical day looks like in the School District of Belleville. I want to thank them for their enthusiasm and dedication to our schools!