Monday, May 23, 2022

Graduation Season: A Time for Thanks!

The 1996-97 school year was my first in teaching. That makes me feel old but also reflective. When you do something for more than a quarter century, you wonder what you have contributed and what difference you have made.

Last week, I received this note. It took me by surprise and made my day. I shared it with Mr. Cryderman, and I am sure that he had a similar reaction.

These are the notes you save in your desk drawer for your entire career and bring them out to read again during particularly rough times. They are the best medicine for self-doubt.

As another school year ends, I encourage students and parents to reach out to those teachers and staff members that have had an influence on them. They may not know the impact that they have had...and you will not know the impact this act of kindness has on educators for years to come.